Sunday, April 22, 2012

Surprise!! on you

So tomorrow is my birthday...

Now I love a party but for some reason I find birthday parties a little... self indulgent, I just like the whole decorating, cake making etc etc. So I decided last week that I would have a pizza party while my parents were away, which just so happened to be the weekend before my birthday.

After browsing for hours at the beautiful home made party treats on and pininterest I decided I would have a surprise party... for my guests. It would include all the fun and decorations that are involved with a birthday but without all the birthday-ness. Only I decided this on Thursday and my pizza night was on Saturday - Yay for DIY!!

So inspired by pretty things I got a little crafty... I made party flags, meringues, a cake and hung up lanterns all in 4 hours before the guests were meant to arrive... and I think it turned out quite well!

These meringues are my favourite recipe!

They are from Stephanie Alexander and can be found here.
They are deliciously caramelly brown sugar meringues which always go down a treat and are super easy to make! They also gave me an excuse to finally use the beautiful cookie jar mum got for Christmas!... isn't it cute.

Next to the meringues are my cake...I didn't enjoy this so much but I have a weird thing about texture. The cake was pineapple and coconut and seemed to go down a treat with the party (but you can never really tell when someone is trying to be polite...), also in defence of the recipe I didn't have "crushed pineapple" so I attempted to crush pineapple rings - maybe not the best idea....

Anyway it was a practise run for the cake I am making tomorrow, however I have decided instead to make a coconut cake with pineapple syrup - thus eliminating the whole texture thing as well as my hideous weakness of buttercream icing (which I always, ALWAYS curdle... I don't even know how!?)

Then my pride and joy of the evening was my little party flags... no one really got the quote but I liked it... These were so surprisingly easy! I just grabbed a bunch of brown paper bags and cut them out into triangles, I found it easiest to cut them in groups of 4 to save time and having to rule out heaps of triangles, with the bottom of the bag acting as a sought of hinge.

Next I painted on the desired lettering before glueing them on to a nice piece of ribbon. If you want to try making them be sure to leave about 2cm between the 'hinge' and the glue so you can slide the letters across or take them off etc.

The finished product was pretty cute!

Over all I think I enjoyed my surprise the most! It made an ordinary occasion seem fancy and beautiful! and when I came down stairs this morning to clean up, I was inspired to leave the decorations up for a champagne high tea with my gals... next week perhaps! xx

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