As you may have gathered, since reaching full health capacity I have suffered from a severe case of underemployment.
I have attempted to take this spare time by the horns because who knows it may be the last time I have any marginally guilt free time on my hands but it's a little hard when your strapped down by an empty purse.
So in my attempt to live large, save, and be frugal all at the same time I have decided to experiment. Let me first make an admission. I am undoubtedly unashamedly well kept. I don't like pimples, dry skin, chipped nails, yellowing teeth, unsightly hairs... all of which cost money to mend... or do they?
Da danananananaaaaa Little Lauren investigates, like batman, but less rich.
So yesterday I began my new frugal beauty regime with home made sugar scrub! It was a success! My skin is tinglingly clean and superbly moisturised with the simple combination of 1 part sugar and 1/2 part olive oil. AND I SMELL LIKE ROASTING POTATOES!
You too could enjoy this amazing sensation sans the smell with just a few drops of essential oils, however frugal essential oils from the $2 store all smell pretty awful, so I opted for the au natural roasted potatoes scent.
And to make my beautiful recycled jar seem more store bought I decorated it with scraps of ribbon and cooking thread... nice touch!
On to my next frugal venture! xx
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