Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hospital hate!

It's day three on in my own room in the ward. As the youngest member of the ward (by 30 - 50 years or so) I am also the unofficial spokesperson!

The ward is boring now. I can walk 20 m without stopping, and go to the toilet by myself (except because of the freaking soap dispenser being like a twenty pound bench press) and you know get in to bed...out of bed not so much.. But the visiting hours are atrocious! I mean if you aren't 80 and don't go to bed at 9.30 it's poop that your Hairy cannot be here to watch movie until 10!! ���������� blergh!

Thank god for the kardashians- not all of them obviously I have my faves but the drama means I feel like something's happening in my life instead of get up, nap, visiting hours, nap, visiting hours bed. Yeah so as you can see by this my life is now one with the ward aka boring!

But success! I haven't spewed at all today!!!!! Beautiful... Next step ��������������������������������������������������yum!

Loves y'all!

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